Pope Francis – World Mission Day Message 2020 Unpacked

The call to follow Jesus as told to us through the Gospel sends us everywhere. Through our example of faith in Jesus and the telling of his story, God can be seen in us.

Through us God’s love touches and changes hearts, minds, bodies, societies and people in every place and time.


The Church, in Northwest Cambodia, has been helping people with disabilities for over 20 years. Bishop “Kike” Figaredo founded the Arrupe Centre in 2001 to help children with disabilities to have an education, healthcare, and jobs. At the Arrupe Centre children, like Dara, who were injured by landmines now have a chance to go to school.

Watch the videos below to learn more:

Script Questions

Mass at La Paloma 0.00 – 1.44

Here is a mass being celebrated by Bishop Kike in the province of Battambang at the La Paloma Centre.

– What do you notice about this mass?

– What do you notice about the people? Where are they sitting and standing?

– What music are they playing? What dance are the young women performing?

Obrum School Battambang 1.44 – 3.00

This is the Obrum school in Battambang – have a look at the outside of the school and the playground.

  • What do you notice?
  • How is it different to your playground? What would they do during their breaks?
  • What do you do during breaks in your school?
  • Let’s go inside the classroom. Think about how similar or different it is to your classroom.
  • What do you notice about the students? What are they doing?
  • Do they have computers?
  • How is the teacher running the lesson?

Dara’s House  3.00 – 4.07

This is the home where Dara and his family live.

  • What do you notice about where Dara lives?
  • What are some of the differences you see with where you live?
  • What are some of the similarities you see with where you live?
  • What are the family doing? What does your family do when you’re all home?

Arrupe Centre Class with Dara 4.07 – end

This is the Arrupe Centre where Dara and other students attend to learn English after school.

  • What are the students doing in this lesson? What materials do they have to work with?
  • How is the teacher working with them? What does the classroom look like?
  • Have you tried to learn another language other than English? What materials did you have to help you? How were your lessons taught?

Think about this Bible passage : Lk 5: 17-26.

The people carrying the paralysed person made sure that their voice was heard.

  • When have you been the voice for someone not being heard?
  • What was happening?
  • How did you feel being the one who was speaking for the person?

One of the statues in the church in Cambodia is called the Holy Mary of Inclusive Love. You can see the statue here.

  • When you look at the statue what do you see?
  • When you read about the statue how does that make you feel?
  • What do you think are the important messages from the Bible passage and the picture of the statue?

Take the important messages from the questions above and the picture of Mary.

  1. Colour and decorate the picture.
  2. Thinking about the important messages, write speech bubbles for each person in the picture of Mary.
  3. Create a conversation between the characters about how they feel and what they want in their lives.
  4. Share these with your class and family.

There are more ways you can help children in Cambodia through Prayer, Advocacy and Fundraising.